Graduation To-Do Checklist

Are you graduating?

一定要注意毕业典礼页面上的学位候选人信息, emails sent to your Lamar email and/or preferred email, and our Facebook.  Students should pay attention to the following checklist.


Graduation vs. Commencement


毕业典礼——通常被称为“毕业”,毕业典礼就是一个仪式. 这是一个学期结束的庆祝活动,为学生预计成功完成所有毕业要求. 在十大电子游艺网站排行,毕业典礼在每个学期结束时举行.

  • STEP 1: Review your degree audit


    本科生:如果你正在修辅修课程,但还没有申报,你必须申报 June 10, 2024.

    毕业生:如果你的研究领域从论文改为非论文,反之亦然, then the change must be finalized and submitted to Records by June 10, 2024.


  • STEP 2: Apply for Graduation

    暑期毕业申请可通过您的自助服务横幅开始 May 30, 2024 through July 8, 2024.

    The online application will ONLY 在你的部门通知毕业部门你的资格后才能访问. Once notified,

    • 一封电子邮件将发送到您的首选电子邮件地址,提供如何申请的说明.
    • Your application will be accessible in your Self-Service banner.
    • A graduation status block will appear on your degree audit, if your catalog start date is 2014 or newer.

    If you do not receive an email, 在自助服务横幅上看到“无课程”和/或在审计中没有看到毕业块, the Records Department has not been notified, please contact your department immediately.

     When applying, verify the following:

    • Degree/curriculum information is correct.
    • Name, you can only change your middle name.
      • 如果您的姓或名已经更改,必须在注册时正式更改. Submit a name change request. Official corrections must be received by July 8, 2024. 请联系你的毕业协调员确认更改. Emails are provided below. 
      • If you need to correct capitalization, add periods or add a suffix (Jr. Sr. I, II...),您可以在申请时这样做,或通过以下提供的电子邮件与我们联系,通过以下方式进行更正 July 8, 2024.
    • Are you attending commencement? After completing your application, if your plans change you will need to notify the graduation department, no later than , July 18, 2024.




    Did you miss the graduation application deadline? You can still submit a paper application to your graduation coordinator. Fill out the graduation application and email it to your coordinator. 

    FERPA Information

    Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 如果你隐瞒了以下任何信息,你的名字将不会出现在毕业典礼上:

    • Your name
    • Program of study (college, major, or campus)
    • Degrees
    • Honors and awards received

    如果你在十大电子游艺网站排行就读期间,在任何时间填写了通讯录, 你将收到一封来自毕业协调员的电子邮件,要求你在毕业前释放hold. You must complete the form and email it back July 8, 2024 to have your directory information shown in the commencement program. 

    如果您选择在目录信息中保留您的姓名,您必须填写表格 no later than July 8, 2024 to have information withheld from the program. 

    Undergraduates: You may qualify for a $1000 Tuition Rebate.

    Review the rebate requirements If you qualify, please complete the Tuition Rebate form. Send the completed form to for further review.

  • STEP 3: Confirm Your Graduation Status

    Graduation Coordinators will evaluate your degree audit for graduation. If you’re a candidate for graduation, the graduation status on your audit will show complete, pending final grades of the term.

    • 要求将被检查,并将显示“毕业申请接受-恭喜。."

    If your audit needs further review, your audit will indicate further review is needed by your academic advisor.

    If you are no longer a candidate for graduation, 你的审计状态会显示“你的毕业要求没有达到”-联系你的部门顾问.

  • STEP 4: Pay the Application Fee

    Please make your payment through Self-Service Banner. Deadline to pay fee is July 8, 2024. 记住,你必须申请毕业并支付毕业费才能拿到毕业证书. 

    • Undergraduates: $24.45
    • Masters: $24.45
    • Doctorate: $44.45

    Graduation Fee Policy (revised January 2019) - PDF

    The graduation fee covers the cost of the diploma and tube, program expenses, mailing fees, and other expenses associate with graduation. 所有的毕业生都被列入毕业典礼计划,如果他们的名字是由学校提交的 July 8, 2024 截止日期,所有毕业生都必须支付费用,无论是否出席典礼. 

    学生须在毕业前不迟于一星期缴交毕业费. If a student has not paid their fee, 他们的文凭和成绩单将被扣留,直到他们的余额为0. If the balance is paid after the term has ended, 学生必须通过电子邮件通知毕业部门,他们的余额已全额支付,以便通过邮寄或亲自领取文凭. 

    Graduation fees are non-refundable. However, if a student is eligible to graduate, completes the application and pays the fee, but does not graduate in the term in which the fee is paid, 该学生将被允许申请毕业,而无需在随后的学期(最多一年)中支付额外费用. 

    Example: Student applies in spring, doesn't graduate but pays the fee. 学生可以申请夏季和/或秋季毕业,并免除费用. 如果学生在夏季或秋季没有毕业,并且必须在春季重新申请,学生将需要支付额外的毕业费.

  • STEP 5: Participate in Commencement
    • Congratulations on your accomplishment! Lamar University’s Commencement for the Summer term is:

      Saturday, August 3, 2024 at 10:00 am:


    & Fine Arts and Communication 

    Saturday, August 3, 2024 at TBA - Virtual Commencement Ceremony

    • 请注意,你必须申请毕业才能参加典礼.

    • 为虚拟仪式提交照片的最后日期是2024年7月18日星期四. 


    Benefits of attending:

    • Name and honors (if applicable) announced - see Honors Policy.
    • 与系里的毕业生、教职员工、家人和朋友一起庆祝.

    *Upon submission of your Application for Degree, 如果你在十大电子游艺网站排行以外的机构注册课程, you must submit any transcripts to within 4 weeks of graduation to remain a degree candidate for the semester.


    • 请务必在自助服务横幅上检查您的学生账户余额,或致电(409)880 -8390联系收银.
    • 如果你有书或钱欠图书馆,请联系(409)880 -8113.
    • If you haven't completed your "Exit" Loan Counseling Session, contact Financial Aid at (409) 880-8450.
  • STEP 6: Receive Your Degree

    After you are cleared for graduation, 如果没有剩余的要求或你的最后课程正在进行中-并且成功完成这些课程-你的学位将被授予(1).e., program completion will be indicated in your records, including your official transcript) at the end of the term, and a diploma will be provided to you. Generally, 毕业典礼两周后,毕业证书将在温伯利大楼112室领取. 在领取时间之后剩余的所有文凭将邮寄到毕业申请表上列出的地址. 

    Please remember that participation in the commencement ceremony does not constitute official graduation from Lamar University; your degree must be conferred before you are considered a graduate of Lamar University.
