LU Weekly Update Lamar University Faculty and Staff
Week of June 13, 2022
Join the City of Beaumont in celebrating Juneteenth.
和博蒙特市一起庆祝六月节,时间从下午4点到9点.m. on Sunday, June 19 on Main Street in downtown Beaumont. 今年的庆祝活动包括现场音乐表演、汽车表演、烧烤烹饪比赛、烟花等. 

Juneteenth每年的6月19日也被称为自由日,以纪念奴隶制的结束. 1865年的这一天,联邦士兵在德克萨斯州的加尔维斯顿登陆,宣布了这个消息. 更多信息、本地事件和资源都列在 Office of Diversity and Inclusion website.
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Date: Tuesday, June 21, 2-4 p.m.
Location: Galloway Business Auditorium Room 101

Come and join us for snacks and refreshments as experts and local officials 讨论自然灾害前后的住房问题. As we enter hurricane season in SETX, important information about preparing for disasters, 灾害期间的庇护所和清洁水将被讨论.

New Student Orientation Resource Fair

Date: Saturday, June 18, 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Location: Setzer Student Center

新生迎新活动马上就要开始了,你也有机会在迎新资源博览会上接触到新的红衣主教! 在夏季的部门资源展上展示你的学生服务和项目.
Sign up now online!

Save the Date: New Student Orientation

Date: Saturday, June 18, 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Location: Setzer Student Center

New Student Orientation is coming soon! 把日期留到新学生和家庭来参观校园的时候吧. 穿上红色的衣服,向我们的新生展示你的骄傲.

Freshmen Dates:
June 18 
June 24 
June 30
July 9
July 14 
July 15
August 5 
August 11

Transfer Orientation:
July 29

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Dr. 丹·布朗被任命为该校下一任教务长和负责学术事务的副校长.
Dr. 丹·布朗被任命为教务长兼学术事务副校长

Lamar University President Jaime R. Taylor announced June 8 that Dr. 丹·布朗被任命为该校下一任教务长和负责学术事务的副校长, effective July 1, 2022. Brown replaces Dr. Brenda Nichols, 在十大电子游艺网站排行担任不同领导职务21年后,他即将退休. 今年2月,一个由14名教职员工组成的遴选委员会开始在全国范围内进行遴选, staff, student government and the community.

Cadence Magazine is now online!

找到你最新的问题-和过去的问题- LU的杂志在线 这期春夏双刊的特刊中充满了红衣主教们的故事——从艺术家、企业家到历史创造者和情侣. Check out the new flip-through edition!

Dr. 金·赖特接受了美术与传播学院临时院长的任命.
Dr. 金·赖特被任命为美术与传播学院的临时主任

Lamar University is pleased to announce that Dr. 金·赖特,22届,戏剧系教授兼系主任 & 舞蹈,已接受任命到临时院长的职位 College of Fine Arts and Communication.

HR Recruiting Group Email Rollout

Human Resources 想宣布为招聘团队推出群组电子邮件吗! Moving forward, 您可以将招聘相关的请求和文件提交到 这将有助于简化沟通,同时减少在招聘需求出现时应该联系谁的困惑!

下面是一个简短的项目列表,可以发送到招聘组电子邮件, including but not limited to:
• F3.1 requests
• Position open/close requests
• Offer requests
• Hiring packets
• Scoring matrices
• Questions for recruitment updates
• Questions regarding the recruitment process


中游中心任命蒂姆·爱德华为其行业顾问委员会成员. Read more about Tim Edward.

2022 Faculty Corner Display

The Mary & 约翰·格雷图书馆承认十大电子游艺网站排行的教师奖学金,并鼓励符合出版标准的教师将他们的引文提交给 Faculty Corner Display publication form no later than June 24, 2022.

支持德克萨斯州东南部不含商业广告的广播,每5美元, $10 or $20 a month at
KVLU ... Radio Without Interruption

The KVLU spring fundraiser has passed, 但我们的筹款活动仍在进行,就像不间断的新闻一样, music and local features you expect and enjoy. 以每月5美元、10美元或20美元的价格支持德克萨斯州东南部的无商业广告电台 KVLU … radio without interruption!

FY22 Annual Inventory Verification

The Annual Inventory Verification is underway for FY22. 如果您是物业保管人,但尚未收到您的库存包, contact Property Management. Submissions should be made to before 5 p.m. on June 15.

每周一全天5点参加我们的活动,为所有LU教师提供半价的游戏和开胃菜, staff, students and alumni. Just bring your LU I.D.
Cardinal Mondays

Join us every Monday, all day at 5 Under Golf 为所有师生和校友提供半价游戏和开胃菜. Just bring your LU I.D.

在Spotify上收听本周的剧集或过去的剧集, or wherever you get your podcasts.
LU Moment: Helping Cardinals Soar | S4 Ep. 25

妮可·凯尔斯-伯顿善于建立人脉,并热衷于帮助卢学生做好就业准备. This week on the LU Moment她谈到了自己在哈佛大学职业和专业发展中心担任职业顾问的工作,以及是什么促使她在红雀离开巢穴很久之后继续指导他们.

请收看本周的节目或过去的LU时刻节目 Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

COVID19 Vaccines
COVID-19 Vaccines Available

免费COVID-19疫苗(Moderna和辉瑞)可在 Student Health Center to all Lamar University/LIT students, faculty and staff. You must register for an appointment. 

学生健康中心还为符合条件的学生提供COVID-19加强疫苗, faculty and staff for LU and LIT campuses. Eligibility criteria can be found on the CDC website. Please fill out the registration form for an appointment.

LU NEWS, June 6-12, 2022



Lamar University welcomes 18 new Ambassadors to the ranks

City of Beaumont to host Juneteenth Celebration


Life in the Quarter

UP staff win 15 at Press Club

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LU Moment
Lamar University
4400 MLK Blvd., PO Box 10009, Beaumont, Texas 77710